Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What is HYIP?

HYIP simply means High Yield Investment Program. It means investing to get a whole lot more than any bank in the world will pay you. For instance, you can invest say $100 and get another $50 in days or weeks. It all depends on the program. You and I know there is no bank that can give you that kind of Return on Investment. The best a bank can do is give you say 7% per-annum on your investment. Well, that sucks but it is safe.

Safety is not a word to work with when you are investing in an HYIP. As a matter of fact, the terms and conditions of service of most HYIP already stated that you are investing at your own risk. In other words, you are giving us your money but we are not obliged to return it if we don't feel like returning it. This is why most HYIPs vanish within days and months and no one can sue them to court. What we are saying is, investing in an HYIP is absolutely at your own risk.  This is why you cannot be playing safe when you are investing there.

The common sense here however is to invest money that you can afford to lose. Well I am not aware of anyone who will invest a million dollars in an HYIP but I am sure there are thousands of people who invest a few hundreds, maybe a few thousands. It all depends on who is investing. To one, a thousand is a lot and to the other, it is money they can afford to lose. The common sense is to never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

This however does not mean people don't make money here. You can turn a few hundreds into thousands within a couple of months if you are lucky. Yeah, I think lucky is the word because nothing is black and white when it comes to HYIPs. Forget about the nice designs and blah blah blah about how they have a nice group of professionals who know how to invest, the bottom line is still the same. They can help you make money and they can decide to help you lose it.

This site will be giving advice per time on the PAYING HYIPs and how to proceed to invest, if you so desire. You can go the long haul with some while some are only good for days. Let's hope you get lucky doing what we tell you.

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